Light is necessary to conquer the darkness of this modern world. It is liberating to know that the world does not depend on the powerful of this time and that no viruses can destroy it because there is Someone who allows the world to survive.
An infected woman
The biggest threat to herself and to everyone around her is an infected woman because then she falls under the influence of society to deal only with transitory and temporary things: about appearance, career and independence, and she forgets what is essential and eternal: who she is as a person, unique and unrepeatable.
Corona fear spreads at a lightning speed and multiplies into the fear of rejection, unacceptance, abandonment. To protect herself, a woman tramples on her own dignity. Because of the fear of losing her freedom, she puts her heart in isolation and closes herself to the possibility of a nice experience with a man. By coughing and sneezing about how all men are bad, she infects others to not decide to get married or they simply get a divorce. Corona fear first attacks the essence of a woman, which is a person, her ‘self’. Due to the violated personality and her dignity, she loses her identity and her spiritual immunity for the ability to perform her life’s task declines. She feels worthless and falls into self-pity or aggression and is overwhelmed by fear of the future. This pathology is caused by a lack of love and trust that go back to her ‘basic’, early age.
Hagiotherapy changes the mentality of people. We need to understand contemporary society, have sympathy and understanding for it because it has been deluded.
A vaccine for a woman
Oh woman, the Truth will set you free! Become aware of yourself. You are a person. That is your identity. Your ‘self, your ‘I’. Where you are ‘you’. If you are justifying yourself, you are not admitting that you are infected. When you admit your fears, anxieties, torments, mistakes, then you become indestructible, and health arises in you.
Oh woman, you are a person! And in you, there is a longing for the original person, and that is the One who loved you first, who wanted you, desired you and called you into life. You are his delight, the crown of all creation. You are loved!
A woman of conscience
You need to cleanse the superior ability, conscience, which is ‘voice of the Being’ with sanitizers- confession and penance- so that the infection does not spread to others, does not torment you, suffocate you. Conscience clearly indicates what is good and what is bad. Conscience registers whether others do good or evil. If her conscience is clear, the woman is safe from all Corona fears. She is audacious, filled with peace and joy. She knows no fear. Conscience is a clear place where she cooperates with the Omnipresent and experiences safety.
An essential therapy for all viruses is to continually ‘cleanse’ the conscience.
A strong woman
A woman of strong immunity draws her strength from the Spirit. To rise to the spiritual level. To see the whole world, the Being, goodness, truth with intellect. The Spirit is the one that creates. The Spirit works with our thoughts. The Spirit speaks through our words. The Spirit has dominion over the body.
With intellect she sees the wholeness of the world, being, goodness and truth. The spirit is the one that creates. The spirit governs our thoughts. It speaks through our words. It controls the body.
The Proclamation of the Good News with hagiotherapy
Amid the global crisis of identity, which is infected by fear and mistrust in the good, the media of Truth warns that one should be afraid of sin, wickedness, jealousy, envy, immorality, corruption, because those who do not have the shield of faith perish. Therefore, everyone is called to goodness. Because Goodness is the foundation of everything! We need to help man so he can take the trust and faith vaccine that the Creator is absolutely good and wishes him only the best.
Good has the last word. There is Someone who loves this world, and you, more than you love. Do, do not be afraid, man! Believe! You are valuable and priceless!

Hagioassistent and evangelizer, born in 1962 in Poličnik near Zadar, now lives in Samobor, married, mother of six daughters. The first turning point in her life was made by Professor Ivančić’s seminar in 1983 in Zagreb. She encountered hagiotherapy in 2000. Intensive training in hagiotherapy begins with the 1st International Study of Hagiotherapy held in 2009 in Zagreb. The Center for Hagiotherapy in Samobor was founded in 2012. She holds individual hagiotherapies, forums, regular hagiotherapy meetings on Wednesdays in Samobor and seminars for evangelization in Croatia and Europe.