Meditation: Not only the body but also the spirit – Tomislav Ivančić

Part of the book: 33 meditations by Tomislav Ivančić

Meditation course: 

Sit down, calm down and focus on your body. Your hands are alive. They can move and work purposefully because your soul revives them. Your eyes are alive and your spirit radiates from them. Your ears hear and transmit new knowledge to your spirit through your voice. Your feet walk because they are revived by your soul. Your body is yours, but you are not a body. You are not just a soul too. You are not a set of everything, you are not the result of all parts of body and soul, but you are the one who has soul and body, you stand above all your „parts“ and again you are somehow all of them. They do not own you, you own them. You are eternal. You are inexpressible. You are by no means out of matter, but you are sent by God and you revive matter. God’s breath is in you… immerse yourself in your soul…

Man is a „torn“ being, composed of body and soul. He belongs to inanimate matter, he is corporeal, but he is not inanimate matter. He belongs to the animal world. He eats, drinks, reproduces, but he is not an animal. He understands spiritual things, with his mind and intuition he transcends the limited matter and the instinctive animal world, but he is not an angel either. His spirit has no limits and that is why he comprehends the immeasurable being, he understands existence, but still, he is not God either.

Man is nailed to the Earth, but he is free in spirit.

That is why he associates with nature, but he also befriends God and the spiritual world. He can know matter with bodily tentacles, but he can communicate with the spiritual world with spiritual abilities. There is something transient in man, but also something infinite. Something limited, but also something unlimited.

Although the body changes so that we can hardly recognize a man as the same person when he is one year old and sixty years old, he is still the same man.

What is left despite the changes? The spirit of man. The personality of man. The identity of man, the soul, the indestructible „I“. That is why, despite death, man lives. Man is indestructible, immortal, eternal. He has a soul. Despite the duality, there is only one man. From soul and body, unique.

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Father John Egan and the project “Get involved that the written word of Tomislav Ivančić still lives on”

Father John Egan and the project “Get involved that the written word of Tomislav Ivančić still lives on”

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