Transcript of the 6th study, prof. Tomislav Ivančić, PhD
I know only one thing: it is not up to me to negotiate, to talk to someone, to be this and that, but to develop myself and grow. If I am strong inside, people need me. You need to be aware of that. And that is a hagioassistant. It is the inner strength that everybody is looking for. We find politicians boring. They are always promoting something. They want to win you over. Deceive you. Do not follow them. Follow the call of your soul. Follow the call of your inner self, your heart. Pursue your talents. That is where your health is. Only then you will open other people’s eyes and you will see how they are also becoming healthy.
In other words, prof. Ivančić says it is necessary to open the patient’s eyes so that he doesn’t rely on the government and different ideologies but on the strength of his spiritual soul. That is the key. That sentence is important. Do not rely on the government and ideological demands of some groups and political parties, freemasons etc. No. Depend and rely solely on the strength of the spiritual soul. Your spiritual soul has divine strength. She has no boundaries. She wants to develop and as long as she develops, she is happy. When you develop, then everyone notices it and looks for you. It is an immense wealth. Therefore, if you want to be a hagioassistant, you have to be disciplined and set aside a special time every single day during which you work on yourself and grow.
In the morning, after you wash, take half an hour to think, search, meditate, contemplate, watch, pray.
At 9 a.m., take at least ten or five minutes to read something to continue that discipline, that routine.
At 12 o’clock take the Gospel, read it and meet the historical figure, God, Jesus of Nazareth.
At 3 o’clock in the afternoon take the 6th study of hagiotherapy and look at it, read it, listen to it.
At 6 o’clock in the evening get ready to go to bed again and then, before you go to bed, stop, look, think – have you lived today?
The one who doesn’t have that kind of discipline can’t be our member, because you can’t make progress if you don’t have a discipline and don’t train every day. You grow every day. If you embrace that “schedule” you will see that hagiotherapy becomes enormously effective – at 7, 9, 12, 15, 18 o’clock, in the morning at least five minutes and at least half an hour in the evening, I guarantee that you will see how you grow and how you always acquire new knowledge and have new experience which lead you to people around you because you radiate with something they want. You are a great person.
I find it most annoying when people invite me to dinner, lunch, and don’t really want to discuss important topics with me. My favorite people are the ones who react. You said that well, that touched me, that is good… I can see that the ones who don’t react – they do not exist. They don’t grow. They remain the same. They stay with me just because they need me, not because they want to grow. And if they grow, then we grow together. Then I enjoy it. Then it is communion. You have to recognize that, my friends.
You are what is in your body. Outside of your body, you have nothing. You are not going to take a blouse, nor socks, nor slippers, nor a ring with you to the other world. Not a cross around your neck, not even the rosary. Terrible. The angels won’t let you take even the rosary up there. They will put it in your grave. Up there you will only take what made you richer from within. That is wealth. Isn’t that wealth? Look what I am sharing with you. How can 600 people from 16 countries come to listen to me? Why? What will you get? But be careful, one day you will also be able to do things that I am doing now.
We know that every father is embarrassed if his children are not better than him. And every father is happy and proud if people talk about his sons, not him. How happy I am when people talk about my children, about my hagioassistants, when they tell me that they did this and that. That is me. I am in all of you, and you are in your patients. All your wealth and greatness, all your happiness and future – it’s in you. Not outside of you.
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He was born in Davor in 1938. After studying philosophy and theology in Zagreb and Rome, he was ordained a priest of the Zagreb Archdiocese in 1966. After achieving a master’s degree in philosophy and a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, he returned to Zagreb in 1971, where he became a professor at the Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb. He is the head of the Chair of Fundamental Theology, and was one of the editors of the Theological Review. Areas of his scientific work are philosophy, theology and literature. He explores the relationship between philosophy and theology, faith and science, atheism and religiosity, revelation and faith, the Church and ecclesial communities, Christianity and religion, the phenomenon of sects and issues of theological epistemology. His special field of interest is the study of man’s existential-spiritual dimension, where he discovers the way of modern evangelization and the necessity of the development of spiritual medicine, which, along with somatic and psychological, is indispensable in the complete healing of man, especially in the healing of spiritual diseases and addictions. For this purpose, he developed the method of hagiotherapy and founded in 1990 in Zagreb the Center for Spiritual Help, of which he is the head. From 1971, in addition to working at the faculty, he was a student religious teacher in Zagreb, the initiator of the prayer movement within the Church of the Croats, the founder of a religious society called the Prayer and Word Community(MiR), and the leader of numerous seminars for spiritual renewal and evangelization at home and abroad. After completing his studies and scientific doctorate in fundamental theology at … (Read more at