Written by: prof. Tomislav Ivančić, PhD
The spirituality of hagiotherapy develops through the New Evangelization because it gives us the fullness of spirit and heals us so that we become free to receive the Holy Spirit. Asking what role evangelization has in hagiotherapy is the same as asking what roles our soul, will, or reason have in hagiotherapy.
Evangelization is knowledge and methodology, a way to gain the power of the Holy Spirit to heal the world and nature. At the anthropological level, we have no other power to heal than just the Holy Spirit.
Evangelization is the first proclamation, it awakens faith in us, and it takes place through seminars modelled on the early Christian catechumenate. The seminars have four parts: the pre-catechumenate explores man and his existence and the Creator, on whom everything depends. The second part of the catechumenate talks about Jesus Christ, who has an answer to all the questions of human existence and its suffering and who loves man and brings him salvation. The third part is the period of purification and enlightenment where healing takes place through prayers of deliverance from various addictions, sins and diseases, followed by repentance for sins, cleansing and healing of the body, spirit and soul. The fourth part deals with the sacraments of initiation, that is, through the renewal of the sacraments of baptism, communion and confirmation, we receive the power of the Holy Spirit who gives efficiency and strength to the sacraments. In fact, we receive the person of the Holy Spirit through these four steps in the seminars of the new evangelization.
The seminars train a hagioassistant to come up with medications that need to be mediated to a hagiopatient.

In addition, hagioassistants need formation through Flash. In this program, they gain original knowledge about God, grace, the Holy Spirit, which is all important for the therapy of anthropological diseases. We call this Flash. The Flash simply wants to enlighten a hagioassistant to see what is wrong with the patient.
In addition to the seminar of New Evangelization and formation through Flash, a hagioassistant acquires his expertise through daily one-hour fellowship through adoration before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, or prayer based on a template from my booklet Daily Communion with Jesus. This fellowship with Jesus enables us to take from Jesus what we need to give to hagiopatients.
So, through seminars, Flash and spending one hour daily with Jesus we develop our spirituality and we receive what needs to be mediated to the world through being and transcendentals, through the interpretation of beauty, truth and love. Obedience in this will make us the happiest people in the world.
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He was born in Davor in 1938. After studying philosophy and theology in Zagreb and Rome, he was ordained a priest of the Zagreb Archdiocese in 1966. After achieving a master’s degree in philosophy and a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, he returned to Zagreb in 1971, where he became a professor at the Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb. He is the head of the Chair of Fundamental Theology, and was one of the editors of the Theological Review. Areas of his scientific work are philosophy, theology and literature. He explores the relationship between philosophy and theology, faith and science, atheism and religiosity, revelation and faith, the Church and ecclesial communities, Christianity and religion, the phenomenon of sects and issues of theological epistemology. His special field of interest is the study of man’s existential-spiritual dimension, where he discovers the way of modern evangelization and the necessity of the development of spiritual medicine, which, along with somatic and psychological, is indispensable in the complete healing of man, especially in the healing of spiritual diseases and addictions. For this purpose, he developed the method of hagiotherapy and founded in 1990 in Zagreb the Center for Spiritual Help, of which he is the head. From 1971, in addition to working at the faculty, he was a student religious teacher in Zagreb, the initiator of the prayer movement within the Church of the Croats, the founder of a religious society called the Prayer and Word Community(MiR), and the leader of numerous seminars for spiritual renewal and evangelization at home and abroad. After completing his studies and scientific doctorate in fundamental theology at … (Read more at https://hagio.hr/tomislav-ivancic/).