Supporters of the Tomislav Ivančić Foundation

In its activities, the Foundation has a publishing and advertising activity which is currently realized through magazine and the website. We have already informed you that we are considering expanding our publishing business and purchasing publishing rights from Teovizija and publishing the professor’s books. We did that, thanks to you.

Through the project:

“Get involved so that the written word of Tomislav Ivančić lives on”.

We plan to realize the project of printing and translation of books with the help of a club of supporters, because in order to succeed in realizing such a large project, we need you.


Who can become a supporter of the Foundation of Tomislav Ivančić?

A supporter can become any natural or legal person who wants to and thus help us in our actions. It is necessary to register and to fill in the aplication form (which can be found below on this page) with all the information. It is important to emphasize that all subscribers of automatically become members of the club (you can fill in the aplication form so that we have your information in one place). You will receive your membership card in the next number of the magazine.

What do you get when you become a supporter of the Foundation of Tomislav

  1. Every supporter who becomes a member automatically becomes a subscriber to magazine and portal if the payment is at least equal to the amount of the annual subscription to the magazine.
  2. You will be regularly informed of all our activities in the Foundation and the Community (ZMR) and as well as of the amount of funds raised. We are going to do that via our magazine, portal and your email in the form of a newsletter every two months (for that you need to provide us with your e-mail address).
  3. You make it possible for the written word and work of prof. Tomislav Ivančić to still live on.
  4. In the future, you will be entitled to a discount on the purchase of professor’s books.

How to become a supporter of the ZTI?

  1. Fill in the aplication form

2. Pay in a donation

You can make a one-off payment or monthly payment:

Monthly minimum payment amount: HRK 30,00

One-off minimum payment: HRK 200,00

We hope we will soon be able to inform you of the specific amount needed to purchase the rights, but we will certainly need your help and engagement to be able to accomplish this project.

If you have any questions you can contact us at our email address:

Payment details are as follows:

Payer: Name, surname, address, postal code and place of the payer

Recipient: Zaklada ZTI, Horvaćanska 21, Zagreb

IBAN: HR2323400091110457949 at Privredna banka Zagreb

Call for Approval Number: 123456

Purpose of payment: For the club of supporters

Foreign currency account:

HR23 2340 0091 1104 5794 9


10000 Zagreb, Račkoga 6, Croatia


Purpose of payment: For the club of supporters  

We hope to be able to inform you soon as our supporter about the specific amount needed to purchase the rights, but we will certainly need your help and commitment to be able to implement this project. If you want to pay directly for the purchase right now, you can do so to the account below. We have opened a special account for this purpose only.

Invoice for purchase of rights for books by Tomislav Ivančić – project
„Take part that the written word of Tomislav Ivančić lives on“

IBAN: HR87 2340 0091 5110 9618 8 


10000 Zagreb, Račkoga 6, Croatia

SWIFT CODE: PBZGHR2X (for foreign payment)