Meditation – prof. Tomislav Ivančić

Part of the book: 33 Meditations by Tomislav Ivančić

Publisher: Teovizija

Meditation course:

It is important to calm down completely. Sit down and take a deep breath, and exhale slowly to make sure you are relaxed. This will make it easier for you to notice everything around you. Put a flower in front of you and gaze at it. Watch it for a long time and listen to what your intuition tells you. Go to the river and watch it. Approach the spring and watch it. Go to the seashore and watch the sky, horizon and sea for a long time. Gaze at the child in the game. Look at everything created by human hands. Could nature, even more perfect, come into being by chance? Look at the fruit, look at your eyes. Climb the hill and watch… Watch the sunset… Do you sense Someone?

Everything around us seems to say that there must be Someone who has planned everything and keeps everything under his control.

There must be the source of the river of time, there must be a firm hand that holds the iron laws of nature, there must be an artistic enthusiasm that created flowers, there must be a planner that purposefully created grass and animals, male and female, thirst and water, hunger and food, lungs and air, eyes and light, ears and voice, word and reason, feet and roads, wings and wind, ships and sea.

Everything in space and the atomic world moves with perfect accuracy.

That is why we can calculate, that is why man can do scientific research, that is why he can rely on the laws of nature. Imagine breaking the laws – what a mess it would be!

Who solidified it all? Who made sure the sparrows had something to eat in the winter as well? That wolves and bears do not die in the winter? Do swallows and storks go to warmer regions? That birds make such perfect nests, that a bee makes honey, that a mole hides, that a fish can live in water? Evolution interprets nothing.

There is a lack of time for the development of such perfect species and organisms. The earth is too young for all this to develop on it. And then, there are no transitional forms. Anthropology has discovered that the skeleton of three million years ago is more similar to the skeleton of today’s man than the skeleton of three hundred thousand years.

Neither case nor unreasonable development! Than…? Reason. Whose?

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Interview with Silva Vrdoljak –a hagioassistant and mentor in hagiotherapy

Interview with Silva Vrdoljak –a hagioassistant and mentor in hagiotherapy

Interviewer: Anđela Krivić Silva Vrdoljak, theologian, mentor in hagiotherapy

Meditation – Tomislav Ivančić

Meditation – Tomislav Ivančić

Source (from the book): Hagiotherapy in an Encounter with Man Sit relaxed,

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