For a good day – from the pen of a hagioassistant

The Heavenly Father said, ‘I am ever with you, even to the end of the world!’ If we can be sure of anything, it is His promise. Unlike us people who often promise something and not fulfill it, He is always faithful to His promises.

It sometimes seems to me that I forget about it in my life. I think that I can do it myself and that is enough. Oh, how easily one is deceived, isn’t he? My experience tells me that I quickly become aware that I cannot do anything without Him. The first unpleasant situation, more difficult obstacle or sign of illness and I immediately become aware of my weakness.

The question we ask ourselves today, not to just think about it, but to truly change our lives, is,

That is a lot of questions… but if you stand in front of yourself in honesty and see where the cracks are through which unbelief and mistrust enter your life, then you heal and enter the beauty of everything that is in you.



Man lives from the truth and from being loved, from being loved by the Truth

Coming out of depression – hagiotherapeutic experience

Coming out of depression – hagiotherapeutic experience

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