We would like to share with you part of the homily of Professor Tomislav Ivančić (as an example) with instructions and guidelines for communal, 24/7 prayer (in written and audio form). We have started a prayer chain for the defense of the Republic of Croatia, B&H, Europe and the whole world which you can join by clicking on the link below and signing up into the table.
We urge you to share this with your loved ones and to help enroll anyone who has not used such tables so far. The goals of this communal 24/7 prayer are:
- Personal conversion
- Conversion of all Christians
- Conversion of the Homeland
- Conversion of the EU, and the world
The signs of the times we live in (Covid-19, earthquakes) warn us that we must stand again and defend our homeland with prayer. What needs to be done:
Everyone of us who decides to defend with prayer until Croatia, B&H, Europe and the whole world are universally free should:
- Pray the Rosary of the Prayer and Word Community three times a day. Our rosary is prayed in the following way: Apostle’s Creed, Our Father, 3 Hail Mary’s and Glory Be. In this rosary we cover all Joyful, Light, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries. However, we recite each mystery only ones – so, we pray 20 Hail Mary’s, accompanied by a different mystery. In this way we encompass the entire life of our Lord Jesus Christ as the history of our salvation.
Please, click on the link below for more detailed instructions on how to pray this little rosary.
It takes 7 minutes if you pray quickly and 10 minutes if you pray slowly. What is precious about this Rosary is the fact that it is holistic. By praying this rosary, to pray three times every day all the mysteries, Jesus’s childhood, public ministry, passion and resurrection, so that you experience the entire life of Jesus. Pray one rosary in the morning, the second one in the afternoon and the third one in the evening. In that way your entire day is enveloped by the Holy Rosary. Praying like this will feel as though you wear the Holy Rosary around the “neck of your soul” and in that rosary the most beautiful jewels of Jesus, the details of his life, the stages of his life. From his conception, imagine from the moment he came to this earth to his ascension. Isn’t that beautiful? By praying this rosary you will bring Jesus into your heart, in the way I was teaching you.
So, the first weapon is to pray three rosaries every day. While praying we need to watch and reflect on Jesus and different phases of his life. In the morning, afternoon and evening. (Click on the link below for more detailed instructions for praying this rosary.)
2. Read the Gospels every day.
Not any parts of Scripture, not the Bible, but the Gospels, the 4 Gospels. Read three or four lines, and then stop and look at Jesus, focus especially on his words. When you hear the word: “I am her with you…” Look, what does that mean? This word of Jesus is directed to me. It means that it is a thought of Jesus, that it is a thought spoken by Jesus. This means Jesus is coming to me. It is like communion, like special spiritual nourishment, the presence of Jesus through the words of Scripture.
“Don’t be afraid, little flock.” – that sentence came from Jesus, from his heart. It was transformed into the voice of Jesus, and that voice was heard by the apostles and evangelists, and from that voice they removed the thought of Jesus.
In every word of the Gospel you have Jesus alive, and that is extremely important. You must absorb Jesus and bring him into your heart. When you allow Jesus to enter your heart, when you allow his word to enter your heart, the Holy Spirit will be powerful. It will destroy the evil around you and evil inside you. Pursue Jesus, absorb him, absorb his words. Look at the person of Jesus Christ.
3. Fasting
I decided that we would fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday is not an obligatory day of fasting, but Friday is. So, it is obligatory to fast on a Friday. Beware, fasting is not abstinence. Abstinence means you don’t eat meat. Fasting means you are hungry but have nothing to eat. It means to feel almost the pain of starvation and say, “No, my spirit must be free,” It also means to feel dizzy. Fasting is a victory of the spirit over the flesh. “The spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.“ Until you feel this, you will not be able to feel the good spreading all over you. Number three, it is obligatory to fast on a Friday.
4. Forgiveness
Forgive each day even a hundred times if needed. Become forgiveness. Who to forgive?
Forgive, first of all, politicians. Can’t you see how sweet it is to say, I forgive you from the heart, I understand you, you are misled, I forgive you, I understand you, you were not born in my family. All dear members of parliament, I forgive you, I understand that you are miserable. Let me forgive you. Everything will work out just fine. May God’s goodness pass from me to you.
So, politicians first, you have to take the journalists second and all the media. They are the transmitter of slavery in our country and in the world. Some journalists or simply all of them and especially their editors and owners.
Forgive university professors, forgive teachers, both elementary school and high school teachers. Especially elementary school teachers. It is the third group to be forgiven.
Fourth, forgive scientists and artists, researchers in society, in all fields.
Fifth, forgive church leaders, bishops and priests because they are not enough the true prophetic voices.
And lastly, we need to forgive various minorities in our society. Forgive all who are against life and are destroying the anthropological image of man (gender ideology). Who are for the murder of the conceived, the proponents of euthanasia, the disseminators of ideologies (gender, new age…..), pagan cults and other idolaters. We need to forgive them as well, because they have also been deceived and it is far more difficult for them than for us because they are also blinded by evil. Forgive minorities.
In this current situation, we should start forgiving those who are irresponsible to themselves and others, and thanking all doctors, healthcare professionals and everyone else who are exposed and helping to fight the Coronavirus and the effects of the earthquake.
5. Sing or pray every day the song “Mother dear, Holy Virgin”
The fifth point is very interesting. You have to sing or pray every day the song “Mother Dear, Holy Virgin.” It is a song we prayed in the Homeland War and it was a victory song against the war.
“Hear your children’s voice, the whirlwind of war, the cursed hatred, wants to destroy us. Guard our home, our good mother, and the flower of our sons, by your request let the peace of God be restored to the whole world. “
You must learn it by heart, and whenever you remember it, sing it softly, wherever you are. So that it can nourish your from within. It is truly a wonderful song that worked wonders in the Homeland War, and in the second world in particular.
Keep a non-stop vigil before the Lord
John 4 :23
Let’s see if there are enough people who are available and willing to keep a vigil in prayer every day. The point is that there is always someone designated to pray. There shouldn’t be a moment without someone praying for this cause. There may be a hundred of us willing to pray each hour but there mustn’t be less than one person. But every hour.
What to do in fornt the Lord?
These five points are enough. I remember the year 1991. When the enemy tanks were coming in Zagreb, our Danko shouted: Lord stop them, stop them! And he literally stopped them. The tanks went off the highway and the enemy bombed their own tanks.
Think for a moment how we got Croatia in a physical sense? In the same way we will get a living and personal Croatia, B&H, Europe and the world. People will become free in every sense.
Attract new defenders
The next step would be for each of us to attract 10 new “defenders”. You need to pray so effectively that ten new people wish this same program. If there are ten of you, I expect you will attract a hundred new defenders and if there is a hundred of you, I assume there will be a thousand new defenders. In this way we would grow bigger and expand our network throughout Croatia.
Just in this way we are connecting with all the peoples of Europe and the world, but first and foremost we have to be at the forefront in this battle/initiative.
This is a spiritual battle so the only effective and powerful weapon is prayer, not physical weapons. In addition, it is no use discussing, attacking, finding the culprits and blaming others and the enemy. The thing is we must overcome their evil with good. As a matter of fact, we need to help them convert. I must be converted first, in order to help others be converted.
Luke 13:3
Soon you will be able to listen to the audio file of this transcript on your computer or smart phone.
Instructions for praying the rosary
Sign of the Cross
the Apostole’s Creed
Our Father
3 Hail Marys for Faith, Hope and Charity
„Glory be“
O, my Jesus
Our Father
Hail Mary
1 The Annunciation
2 The Visitation
3 The Birth of Jesus
4 The Presentation
5 Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple
Glory be
O, my Jesus
Our Father
Hail Mary
- The Baptism of Christ in the Jordan
- The Wedding Feast at Cana
- Jesus’ Proclamation of the Coming of the Kingdom of God
- The Transfiguration
- The Institution of the Eucharist
Glory be
O, my Jesus
Our Father
Hail Mary
1 The Agony in the Garden
2 The Scourging at the Pillar
3 Crowning with Thorns
4 Carrying of the Cross
5 The Crucifixion
Glory be
O, my Jesus
Our Father
Hail Mary
- The Resurrection
- The Ascension
- The Descent of the Holy Spirit
- The Assumption
- The Coronation of Mary
Glory be
O, my Jesus
the Hail Holy Queen