For a good day – from the pen of a hagioassistant


Good day, dear friend!

I believe that you are well and that you set aside the time to read this text slowly and in peace, and then stay in silence and absorb the words that touch you little by little.

Now you do not have to rush anywhere… Everything else can wait.

Look first where you are… You are where your thoughts are now. What are you thinking about now? Where are your thoughts taking you now? Do not let your thoughts wander and distract you. Sit comfortably and calm your body.

Try to hear the Creator’s call in your heart, ‘If you are troubled, come to me! If you are weighted down with care, come to me! I am waiting for you! I will give you rest, comfort.’

Will you respond to His call?

Can you remember that unique feeling when your mother hugged you, maybe when you were a child or an adult? He hugs you with such tenderness, and even more so.

How much love in the eyes of a father who teaches a child his first swimming movements or how to ride a bicycle… how much joy and pride when he succeeds! He looks at you with as much and even greater love and attention and rejoices at your every success in life.

Remember how much love and sacrifice must be in the heart of one who sits day and night by the sick bed of a loved one… So much, and even more, the Creator loves you and watches over you every moment.

How much rapture and ardour in the heart of an artist who creates a new work… With even greater ardour and admiration the Creator himself looks at you, his masterpiece.

How much love for the homeland, for freedom and truth must have been in the heart of a veteran when he went to war, when he was ready to give everything he had – his life. The Creator has so much and even more love for you. He gave the life of his only son just for you and me. Truly, there is no greater love than that!

Are you now aware of how precious and important you are to Him? Open yourself to His love today and finally believe in it!

That is the only truth you can be unconditionally sure of – He loves me! I am his!

Go through this text two or three more times, and then it is just you and Him, then let your heart speak…

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